Thursday, December 8, 2016

3rd Grade "Sleigh Ride"

3rd graders are learning about a musical form called Rondo.  We compared Rondo form to a double-decker sandwich:
Image result for rondo form

We listened to a piece that is in rondo form, The Typewriter by Leroy Anderson.  (The typewriter is an instrument in this piece!)
We listened to another piece by Leroy Anderson that is in a variation of Rondo
Image result for sleigh ride form
Here is the orchestra playing this piece:

Next, we added body percussion to the song to help our bodies feel when the form changes.  Here is a class performing "Sleigh Ride!"


Unknown said...

Good job class!! Good job La'Mya!

Unknown said...

Good job class!! Good job La'Mya!

Panharith said...

Good job class!!


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