Friday, October 14, 2016

2nd Grade Concert Songs Part 1

Here are the 2nd grade concert lyrics and videos to practice with at home!  These are the most up-to-date lyrics, including our new song "She's in Love."  Some of these versions were taken from Little Mermaid the Musical to better suit the children's voices.

Fathoms Below

I'll tell you a tale of the bottomless blue
And it's hey to the starboard, heave-ho
Brave sailor beware, ‘cause a big-un’s a brewin’
Mysterious fathoms below!
Heave ho!

I’ll sing you a song of the king of the sea,
And it’s hey to the starboard, heave ho!
Ruler of all of the oceans is he,
In mysterious fathoms below!

Fathoms below, below!
From whence wayward westerlies blow!
Where Triton is king, and his merpeople sing
In mysterious fathoms below.

Solo 1:
Isn’t this perfection, Grimsby?  Out on the open sea, surrounded by nothing but water and imagination -

Solo 2:
Oh yes, it’s simply… delightful.

The salt on your skin and the wind in your hair,
And the waves as they ebb and they flow!
We’re miles from the shore,
And guess what, I don’t care!
2: As for me I’m about to heave-ho!

Ahhh, Ahhh, Ahhh, Ahh

1: What is that? Do you hear something?

Ahhh, Ahhh, Ahhh, Ahhh

2: Milord, please… enough seafaring! This talk of merpeople and the king of the sea is nautical nonsense!

Ahhh, Ahhh, Ahhh, Ahhh

1: There it is again, Straight ahead!

Ahhh, Ahhh, Ahhh, Ahhh

2: Your majesty, you’ve got to return to court and take up your father’s crown!

1: That’s not the life for me, Grimsby.  Now follow that voice - to the ends of the earth if we have to!

Solo 3:
Aye-aye captain!

There’s mermaids out there in the bottomless blue,
And it’s hey to the starboard, heave ho!
Watch out for ‘em lad, or you’ll go to your ruin
Mysterious fathoms below!

Part of Your World
Solo 4:
Look at this stuff
Isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?
Wouldn't you think I'm the girl
The girl who has ev'rything?

I've got gadgets and gizmos aplenty
I've got whozits and whatzits galore
You want thingamabobs?
I got twenty

But who cares?
No big deal
I want more

I want to be where the people are
I want to see
want to see 'em dancin'
Walkin' around on those
Whad'ya call 'em? oh - feet

Flippin' your fins you don't get too far
Legs are required for jumpin', dancin'
Strollin' along down a
What's that word again? Street

Up where they walk
Up where they run
Up where they stay all day in the sun
Wanderin' free
Wish I could be
Part of that world
What would I give
If I could live
Outta these waters?
What would I pay
To spend a day
Warm on the sand?

Betcha on land
They understand
Bet they don't reprimand their daughters
Bright young women
Sick o' swimmin'
Ready to stand

And ready to know what the people know
Ask 'em my questions
And get some answers
What's a fire and why does it
What's the word? Burn?

When's it my turn?
Wouldn't I love
Love to explore that shore above?
Out of the sea
Wish I could be
Part of that world


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