Friday, November 13, 2015

What Should I Wear?

What Should I Wear to the Concert?

This is a fun and exciting concert, so I would like students to dress comfortably and colorfully!  Please wear dark on the bottom, and a color on the top.

Please don't feel like you need to go and buy a new outfit, just find something close to my description that is in your closet already!  All the colors will look great on stage, and we will truly embody the mood of the 70's! (If you have a 70's costume, that would be great too!)

Another reminder about attire:  It will be VERY hot on the stage and on the risers.  Please make sure to dress accordingly.  Students who get too hot on stage or on the risers may feel faint or dizzy, which could lead to them not having a great time performing, or even getting sick.  I suggest layering on the day of the concert, so that students are warm in their classrooms and outside, but comfortable when they are performing.


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